restaurant beating food

Fantastic days are back on the cards as the sun rears out its fine head, bequeathing light and warmth on to our capable machines and hog roast catered events and services. This turn in the weather brightened the faces of many, and has truly breathed new life into many of our catering ventures, indeed.

On the way into the events office this morning, the radio discussion involved the in depth interview with a series of restaurateurs and their best customers. It was highly insightful, yet in every instance I was aware that our food and hog and spit roasted catering solutions were far superior to anything that was being talked about. The truth of the matter is that when we roast our whole meats on those delightful spits, the results are simply awesome. And this reminded me of the food fair which we attended deep in the rolling downs of Kent, here, our food was eaten with huge amounts of vigour and zeal. On top of this, when guests were subjected to our intricate levels of bespoke service in their catered situations, they couldn’t believe the quality.

Looking forward to the weekend ahead and we have lots to get in order as regards the final detailed plans of action. Bring it on!

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